Configuration file

You can put in the configuration file $HOME/.encode2mpegrc the options which will be used every time encode2mpeg is run. The syntax of the configuration files is identical to the command line options: put in a single line the options that you would type during a run. There is however a limitation: in the configuration file are not permitted arguments containing spaces or quotes. Example .encode2mpegrc content:
-mpegfixaspect -cdburndevice /dev/cdrecorder
If you have a configuration file but you do not want to use it during a run, add the options -norc to your command line. Options in the configuration file are processed before the options on the command line, therefore the command line options override the configuration file options.

There is no explicit support for the usage of an alternate configuration file, but it is easy to emulate it:
encode2mpeg -norc $(<myrcfile) <options>
just put your rc file (myrcfile in the previous example) before the other options and do not forget to use -norc otherwise the standard rc file will be used too. If your shell do not support the syntax $(<myrcfile) use `cat myrcfile` instead.
